Bogdan "Bo" Alexandru Stoica

CS PhD student in Systems at UChicago

Contact: bastoica-AT-uchicago-DOT-edu

Peer-Reviewed Publications

[C1] Waffle: Exposing Memory Ordering Bugs Efficiently with Active Delay Injection
Bogdan Alexandru Stoica, Shan Lu, Madan Musuvathi, and Suman Nath.
The 18th ACM SIGOPS European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys). Rome, Italy. May, 2023. Acceptance Rate: ≈16%, 54 out of 335
Paper / Poster / Slides / Code
Press: Disseminate - The Computer Science Research Podcast, Ep. #38


[T5] Artifact Reproducibility as a Classroom Tool
  Invited Tutorial Talk. ACM REP'24. Rennes, France. June 2024.
[T4] Waffle: Exposing Memory Ordering Bugs Efficiently with Active Delay Injection
  Conference Talk. EuroSys'23. Rome, Italy. May 2023.
[T3] Failure Diagnosis with Hardware Support
  Seminar. Imperial Collage London. Jan 2019.
  Invited Talk. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Champaign, IL. Sep 2018.
[T2] Exploring Hardware Data Logging on Modern CPUs
  Seminar. Microsoft Research. Redmond, WA. Sep 2018.
[T1] Modern Hardware and OS Support for Efficient Execution Tracing
  Invited Talk. University of Zurich. Dec 2017.